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Showing posts with the label Kindness

Empathy, Kindness and Understanding

#Empathy #Kindness #Understanding #Triple5LightTherapy #BlackMaleTherapist #LGBTAffirmingTherapy Feelings that are taken for granted and are overlooked in these times. These abilities are vital to our being; they are ways in which we can relate to one another and help each other through difficulties and adversity. Humanity must find it in their hearts to help and love others in their struggles, even through the differences. We must learn to embrace these abilities and teach the rest of the world how important they are to humanity. Empathy, kindness, and understanding; are abilities that each of us should put into practice to reach and connect with the rest of humanity. Being able to empathize over what others are going through, to share kindness during a difficult time, and being able to understand the struggle of others. Connecting to the feelings and perspectives of people is essential to our existence; humanity needs more of this. Instead, we see a world full of hatred and division.