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Showing posts with the label #Vicarioustrauma

Beyond the Cliff | Laura van Dernoot Lipsky -Watch this Video, if you are in a profession that is about caring for others.

#LauravanDernootLipsky # TraumaStewardship #V icarioustrauma #Self-Care Laura van Dernoot Lipsky is the founder and director of the Trauma Stewardship Institute and author of T rauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. She has worked directly with trauma survivors for 28 years, including survivors of  Laura van Dernoot Lipsky  , and acute trauma of all kinds, and natural disasters. Laura has been active in community organizing and movements for social and environmental justice and has taught on issues surrounding systematic oppression and liberation theory. Trauma Stewardship: How do we reduce clinician burnout? What helps people develop resiliency so that the important work they do in the world isn’t hindered by vicarious trauma and their own lack of self-care? The cumulative aspect of ongoing exposure to suffering and trauma is largely ignored in health care, criminal justice, and other fields. Laura van Dernoot Lips...