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Showing posts with the label #Negativevoice

Your Inner Critical Voice

#Negativevoice  #innercriticalvoice #innercritic #Introspection #Psychotherapy #MentalHealth #BlackTherapist #Triple5LightTherapy  Our inner voice performs all kinds of important tasks—but when it gets negative, it can be hard to turn off. Ethan Kross, a psychologist and neuroscientist who studies introspection, has a solution. By Clay Skipper- January 24, 2022 We’ve all got a voice in our head. (Maybe you can hear yours, right now, reading these words.) And though you’re intimately familiar with that inner voice, since it talks to you all day long, you might be surprised to learn just how incessant it is. According to one study, it can spew up to four thousand words a minute. If you’re awake for sixteen hours, that’s more than 3.8 million words every day. That’s because that voice does so much for you: It helps you keep information in your head (remembering, say, a phone number or items on a grocery list), simulates and plans for upcoming events, like a date or an interview, ...