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Showing posts with the label #Rejection

3 Reasons Why People Shut Down Emotionally

#Rejection #Avoidantattachment #Judgment #Shame #Emotions #Triple5LightTherapy #BlackMaleTherapist #BlackTherapist #LGBTAffirmingTherapy #Triple5LightTherapy Loving someone who shuts down, stonewalls you, or simply will not communicate, causes a quandary, particularly if you can tell by their lack of engagement that something is going on deep below the surface. Alternatively, if you have shut down emotionally yourself, you might review some of the following reasons why people close themselves off and ask yourself if one or more of them ring true for you. #1 Fear of Rejection If you or someone you love has experienced trauma, voicing your needs or feelings is a significant risk. Often, people managing life after trauma feel vulnerable and expressing their feelings opens them up emotionally to additional pain or rejection. Sharing feelings in the wake of grief also poses communication challenges since individuals processing complex emotions feel fear of opening the floodgates. If you hav...

Understanding Avoidant Personality Disorder (video)

#DrTraceyMarks #AvoidantPersonality #Rejection #Criticism #Anxiety An essential feature of avoidant personality disorder is a pattern of being socially inhibited, feeling inadequate, and hypersensitive to rejection or criticism starting by early adulthood. This pattern occurs pervasively which means it spreads across all areas of your life. So it’s not something you only noticed after being a bad relationship with someone who sucked your soul and tore you down emotionally. After a relationship like that, you will have some battle wounds that can look like feeling inadequate. Most of the personality disorders including this one really start to manifest around late adolescence and early adulthood. And with an avoidant personality disorder, you can get hints of social awkwardness and insecurity that seem excessive that the child doesn’t seem to grow out of. Here’s the criteria. You need 4 or more of the 7. 1. Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersona...