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Showing posts with the label #Compassion

Four Ways to Turn Negative Body Thoughts Around Practice changing the disparaging things you say to your body into compassion.

#Compassion #Negative #Body #Thoughts  You may have already mastered the art of shutting down body shaming. But if you’re committed to cultivating a healthier body image, you’ll also need to tackle the negative things you say about your body. Sometimes that negative body talk comes in the form of conversations with others in which you badmouth your body, but other times these conversations happen in the privacy of your own mind. Psychologists refer to those unspoken conversations you have with yourself as “negative self-talk.” Consider what kinds of thoughts go through your mind when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Do you say kind things to your body? Or do you disparage your body for every perceived flaw? It takes practice to learn to catch the negative thoughts you have about your body and re-frame them. But over time, you can change the mental habit of berating your body and learn to think gentler, more accepting thoughts. Try these suggestions to get started.

9 Self-Compassion Exercises & Worksheets for Increasing Compassion

#Compassion #Love #Mindfulness By Courtney Ackerman We know about the importance of love and compassion for others. As the Dalai Lama stated, humanity cannot survive without these characteristics. I’ve always loved this quote, in part because it can be taken two ways: either humanity will become physically extinct without love and compassion, or humanity will become metaphorically extinct without love and compassion – meaning these two concepts are intrinsic parts of what it means to be human. I tend to take the second perspective, but either way, the Dalai Lama’s meaning is clear: we must cultivate love and compassion if we hope to survive and thrive as a species. Another insightful quote about compassion also comes from the Dalai Lama : “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” Compassion, then, is not only a vital piece of our humanity, it is also an extremely effective tool for improving our lives and the liv