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Showing posts with the label #SyntheticOpioid

With Fentanyl on the Streets, Opioid Users Should Test Their Drugs

      #Fentanyl #LALGBTCenter #SyntheticOpioid #Addiction  A wide variety of street drugs can be laced with fentanyl. While it is advisable to test street drugs for fentanyl, there are no well-researched, established recommendations on how to test drugs with the test strips we provide. People who use fentanyl test strips provided by the Los Angeles LGBT Center accept all responsibility for any injury or death that could occur after taking drugs, whether they have been tested, or not tested, for fentanyl. For more information call (323) 993-7448, #LALGBTCenter Michael Marquesen first noticed about a year ago that fentanyl, a dangerous synthetic opioid, had hit the streets of Los Angeles. People suddenly started overdosing after they shot up a new white powder that dealers promised would give them a powerful high. “In Hollywood, they’re like ‘Everybody’s dropping … everybody’s overdosing!’” said Marquesen, director of the Los Angeles Community Health Project,...