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Showing posts with the label #Certs

18 Childhood Foods And Drinks That Completely Vanished Without You Noticing Until Right Now

#Certs #Bubblicious #Snacks #CremeSavers  1.  Remember Certs? What happened to them?! They went missing, and we just moved on to Altoids and Tic Tacs. They're not the only thing we just forgot about; here's more stuff that just presto-magic disappeared. 2. This delicious-ass Bubblicious cotton candy gum. 3. Mouthwatering Altoids Sours. 4. This version of Nestea. Yes, it still exists, but this can design, and the  snowman commercials  are long gone. 5. These luxury desserts from Viennetta. 6. The tastiest drink found in countless high school vending machines in the mid-2000s: Fruitopia. 7. I've come very close to finding the greatest hard candy of all time, strawberries and cream Creme Savers (which  I've come very close to finding ). 8. These Kellogg's Cereal Straws. 9. These glorious Doritos 3Ds. 10. The limited-edition Pokémon Pop-Tarts featuring tasty little spri...