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Showing posts with the label #Psychology

A Single Dose of CBD Reset the Brains of People at High Risk of Psychosis

#CBD #Psychosis #MentalHealth #Medicine #Neuroscience #Psychology #Weed P sychosis, a severe mental disorder characterized by a loss of grip on reality,  can include unsettling hallucinations and delusions . As no one’s been able to pin down a single cause of psychosis, it’s been even harder to pin down a treatment. But researchers behind a new JAMA Psychiatry study seem to be on the right track. In the study, they report that they’ve found a way to reset the psychosis-afflicted brain using an unlikely plant: marijuana. Researchers are increasingly finding evidence that the  active components  of marijuana can help ease symptoms in people with  epileptic seizures ,  chronic pain , and  post-traumatic stress disorder , but there’s much to be learned about its relationship to psychosis. The most well-known  cannabinoid  Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol — better known as THC — has  previously been linked  to the development of psychosis  in some people . But in the new  study , the authors

This Is the Most Effective Way to Handle a Lazy Employee, According to Psychology

#Psychology, #Lazy, #Employee  #Employer,  Most of us think we know laziness when we see it--the employee who routinely turns in work late, the student who waits until the last possible moment to start every paper, the unhealthy person who can never manage to make it to the gym. Most of us see this sort of procrastination and immediately get annoyed with people's lack of willpower. That's a huge mistake, according to one Loyola University psychology professor, not only because shame and anger do nothing to stop procrastination, but because laziness doesn't even really exist. Context is more important than character. Behavior we generally think of as lazy is certainly real enough. People miss deadlines and dodge work all the time. The problem arises when we assign this behavior to some character flaw and think berating people about it is going to improve the situation. Conscientiousness is one of the so-called "Big Four" personality traits and varies pers