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Showing posts from January, 2025

Your Inner Critical Voice

#Negativevoice  #innercriticalvoice #innercritic #Introspection #Psychotherapy #MentalHealth #BlackTherapist #Triple5LightTherapy  Our inner voice performs all kinds of important tasks—but when it gets negative, it can be hard to turn off. Ethan Kross, a psychologist and neuroscientist who studies introspection, has a solution. By Clay Skipper- January 24, 2022 We’ve all got a voice in our head. (Maybe you can hear yours, right now, reading these words.) And though you’re intimately familiar with that inner voice, since it talks to you all day long, you might be surprised to learn just how incessant it is. According to one study, it can spew up to four thousand words a minute. If you’re awake for sixteen hours, that’s more than 3.8 million words every day. That’s because that voice does so much for you: It helps you keep information in your head (remembering, say, a phone number or items on a grocery list), simulates and plans for upcoming events, like a date or an interview, ...

Why We Self-Sabotage

SelfSabotage #Fear #Control #Behavior  We all have things we want in our lives—to lose those pesky ten pounds, achieve that promotion, go on a second date with someone we’re interested in, or take that  fantasy  vacation. We set a goal that is near and dear to our hearts and repeat it to ourselves in our heads and aloud to others more times than we can count. We’ve written this objective on Post-its, to-do lists, calendars, and perhaps even carefully selected an image to place on a vision board, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator to inspire us. We have shared this goal with our friends and family and declared that this is the year we will make it happen. Maybe we even asked one of them to hold us accountable to achieve it. So why do we get in our own way? To understand where  self-sabotage  comes from, we need to learn some key concepts about human behavior and raise our awareness of what might be running interference in the background. You may be surpr...

Prepare to Quit : Explore Your Quit Smoking Options

#Cravings #HealthNews #Nicotine #NicotineWithdrawal #QuitSmoking #Smokefree Quitting is hard. But quitting can be a bit easier if you have a plan. When you think you’re ready to quit, here are a few simple steps you can take to put your plan into action. Know Why You’re Quitting Before you actually quit, it’s important to know why you’re doing it. Do you want to be healthier? Save money? Keep your family safe? If you’re not sure, ask yourself these questions: What do I dislike about smoking? What do I miss out on when I smoke? How is smoking affecting my health? What will happen to me and my family if I keep smoking? How will my life get better when I quit? Still not sure? Different people have different reasons for quitting smoking. Learn How to Handle Your Triggers and Cravings Triggers are specific persons, places, or activities that make you feel like smoking. Knowing your smoking triggers can help you learn to deal with them.  Cravings are short but intense...

The crazy story of how ‘Stockholm syndrome’ got its name

#Movies #Hostage #PattyHearst #Psychology #StockholmSyndrome #Sweeden “Is there something wrong with me? Why don’t I hate them?” In 1973, 21-year-old Elisabeth Oldgren posed this question to a psychiatrist in the wake of a robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, in which she and three other bank workers had been held hostage from Aug. 23-28. As the standoff neared an end, police were perplexed by the victims’ concern for their two captors: Despite cops’ orders that the hostages be the first to leave the bank vault in which they’d all been holed up, all four refused. ame> “Jan and Clark [the criminals] go first — you’ll gun them down if we do!” 23-year-old Kristin Ehnmark yelled back. The nationwide spectacle led to the genesis of the term “Stockholm syndrome,” in which a person held against their will comes to sympathize deeply with their abductor. In America, the phrase is more commonly associated with the 1974 case of Patty Hearst, the kidnapped heiress turned bank robber. It h...

A Poetic Reflection on The New Year by Sharon L DuBois

#Happy New Year #NewBeginnings #SharonDubois #2025 H ow many times has one year flown by, without my humble, wide-eyed A mazement at the awesome wonders and blessings contained within? Is it P ossible that I have forgotten about the seemingly small, occasionally overlooked, daily miracles?? P eeking a blind eye around a blind corner to the approaching tomorrow, neglecting the precious gift of all Y esterdays. Reminder to self: Express genuine thankfulness for my family, friends, my job, which provides harvest-yielding seed, & All Praises to My Heavenly Father, whose Grace abounds brand spankin’ N ew every morning, as evidenced by my health, life,  and strength. With each drop of rain, and rising of the sun, I am made aware of the E ver-present opportunity to do a “new thing”, a “new way”, with a “renewed mind”!! No logical reason to W hine or complain about difficulties along the journey, “JUST DO IT!!” The sum total of each and every one of my Y est...