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Want U 2 Know You're Beautiful

Forget About What you've been told. Want U 2 Know You're Beautiful.


A future classic by Laroye and Lee Wilson. 
Summer vibes, melodies, deep chords & bass lines are featured throughout, with an inspirational message letting you know that you are "BEAUTIFUL." 

On remix duties,  Casamena gives us the AfroTech mix 
Released July 30, 2021

Extended Mix and Deep Dream Mix produced by Thomas Arroyo (Laroye)
Vocals written and performed by Lee Wilson
Casamena Club mix by Carlos Mena
Mastering by Cody "Coflo" Ferreira for
A&R: Coflo
Executive Producer: Carlos Mena
license all rights reserved

#AfricanAmericantherapist #Asian,#BlackMaleTherapist #LGBTAffirmingTherapy #LatinX,#MentalHealth #NativeAmerican #POC #Psychotherapy #T5LT #Therapy #Triple5LightTherapy #White


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