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Gay Men of Color, Internalized Homophobia, Race, and Religion ( YouTube Video)

#InternalizedHomophobia #Intersectionality  #LGBTQ  #Race  #Religion  #DownLow #Latino  #Latinx  #Black  #AfricanAmerican

Intersectionality explains how the notion of social injustice, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and belief-based bigotry such as religion are not independent of one another; instead, they are interconnected, and thereby reflect an intersection in regards to social relationships.  

Although public opinion has shifted in the last 30 years, the social ostracism of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals have helped to reinforce those narrow societal norms. Some individuals may find it harder, to express their authentic self.  

According to (Kertzner, Meyer, Frost, & Stirratt, 2009), a person who is a sexual minority will benefit from participating in the gay community and receiving affirmative social standards.  Disclosure of sexual identity increases the opportunity for an individual to identify with the in-group.  Support and acceptance from the in-group correlate strongly to psychological well-being.

One particular area of interest is the intersection of religion and sexuality.  As reported by (Gonzalez Cerna, 2010), some gay men and women might have strong ties to their religion, but after coming out, find themselves without familial or spiritual support.  In the United States, Black and Latino communities tend to be more religion-centric, and strongly negative views about the gay community are reinforced via the church. 

In many cultures, there is a stigma surrounding homosexuality, and many gay men and women may choose to identify with their racial identity, as opposed to their sexual identity.
For some individuals, managing and expressing their homosexual identity in different social settings is a seamless transition, but for many Black and Latino gay, lesbian and bisexuals, the church is an oppressive institution. Many individuals choose to suppress their homosexuality when it intersects with the church.  

The experience of the LGBT identity can initially be quite isolating.
It is a connection with the community that heals the wounds internalized by LGBT people from a heterocentric and sometimes-unwelcoming dominant culture. (Bieschke, Perez, & DeBord, 2007, p. 73)
A connection is important for LGBTQ individuals,
 “authenticity is the outcome of a social process where one’s preferred identity claims are acknowledged . . . And people’s stories are linked around shared beliefs, commitments, and purposes. (Behan, 1999, p. 123)

What is Internalized homophobia?

Simply put, internalized homophobia happens when LGBTQ individuals are subjected to society’s negative perceptions, intolerance, and stigmas towards LGBTQ people, and as a result, turn those ideas inward believing they are true.
It has been defined as 
‘the gay person’s direction of negative social attitudes toward the self, leading to a devaluation of the self and resultant internal conflicts and poor self-regard.’ (Meyer and Dean, 1998).
Or as   “the self-hatred that occurs as a result of being a socially stigmatized person.” (Locke, 1998).
Researchers have suggested that using ‘heterosexism’, ‘self-prejudice,’ and ‘homonegativity,’ in addition to the widely accepted term “internalized homophobia,” can help to add depth to our comprehension of the true meaning of the issue.

The real culprit is an aggressive heterosexist society that is defining what is “normal,” and therefore what is “right” and “wrong,” through laws, policy, culture, education, healthcare, religion and family life. This systemic oppression is meant to enforce the gender binary, marginalize LGBTQ people, and keep heterosexual people and their relationships in a position of dominance and privilege.

Uriah Cty, M.A., LMFT 
License No. LMFT 121606

“Nothing can dim the light that shines within you” -Maya Angelou 



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